I'm sad I haven't posted in over a month, what a busy month it has been! So full of fun and work and family...all the kinds of things I started this blog to capture, but when they are all going on at the same time it gets harder and harder to take the time to capture it. Eh, if that's my biggest complaint then I should probably stop the sniveling :)
I've been wanting to post about Jacob's birthday for many weeks now. In fact, this may be the first time I've posted since we finalized his name. Jacob Michael Remsburg. Love it! Yes, the name Jacob is high up on the popularity index these days, but I've loved the name since way before that and there just seriously were no other names that stood a chance. I also had Isaac and Micah on my list, but Kyle was not a fan of either. I love the name, and have been using it when I talk to and about him for many weeks now. And in just 2 weeks and 1 day we will be meeting this little guy!
I shared a while back that I would need to make a decision about electing to have a repeat c-section or trying labor again. I did my extensive reading of all things internet, from Dr. Sears to CDC to mommy-boards and then went to my consult with the OB with my questions. My doctor has been amazing, he gave me the information I asked for and helped me understand the risks of either decision. My decision was to go with a repeat c-section. If I try labor again there is a chance, albeit relatively small, that the previous c-section scar on my uterus could rupture. If that were to happen it could lead to irreversible brain damage for Jacob (again, small chance). I know myself, and if I went for a trial of labor I would be terrified the entire time of that small chance of rupture, and when it came time to push I would be even more worried. I am not one who needs the empowering experience of vaginal birth to feel complete as a woman.
So, with my doctor and my husband on board, I opted for a repeat c-section. The risks involved there are the same as any c-section, including longer recovery with chance for infection. Also with each repeat c-section the scar tissue becomes less...forgetting the term...basically, in a future pregnancy if the placenta were to implant over the scar it would be harder to "take" and there is an increased chance of miscarriage. But that is only if the placenta implants over the scar, and if it were to do that it would also be implanting near or over the cervix, which can also lead to complications. I'm not yet certain we'll be trying for more after Jacob and since I was already for sure pregnant with this one, I made my choice based on my current pregnancy.
And so, Jacob's birthday has been set for Monday, April 9. I will be at 39 weeks, Jacob will be full term but that week early is intended to hopefully have him delivered before my body goes into labor. The surgery is scheduled at 11:30 AM and we are to report to the hospital at 9:30 that morning for all the prep. It has been really nice having a set date, as far as maternity leave planning goes. I know there is the still the chance he could have other plans and I could still go into labor between now and then. But, we are all hoping that everything goes smoothly and our son celebrates his birthday on April 9 every year :)
About Me
- Miss Madly
- My husband, Kyle, and I are the proud and busy parents of two little boys, Kaleb and Jacob. Kaleb joined our family in December 2009 and we welcomed Jacob in April 2012. We both work full time outside the home, I am in the field of Learning and Development. I have a passion for studying the brain and how we learn, which translates beautifully to watching my boys grow up and discover their worlds. I'm also into learning about nutrition, herbalism, food-as-medicine, natural alternatives, and homeopahtic remedies. I hope to provide an uncut view of what life is really like as a working mom, minus the instagram filters and facebook bragging...I'll save that for facebook ;)
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