About Me

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My husband, Kyle, and I are the proud and busy parents of two little boys, Kaleb and Jacob. Kaleb joined our family in December 2009 and we welcomed Jacob in April 2012. We both work full time outside the home, I am in the field of Learning and Development. I have a passion for studying the brain and how we learn, which translates beautifully to watching my boys grow up and discover their worlds. I'm also into learning about nutrition, herbalism, food-as-medicine, natural alternatives, and homeopahtic remedies. I hope to provide an uncut view of what life is really like as a working mom, minus the instagram filters and facebook bragging...I'll save that for facebook ;)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

It's a BOY!!!

haha! I guess I never did post about that...we've known for a month now, but in all the excitement I forgot about this blog, so the update is a bit late.
We had our ultrasound appointment where they would be able to tell us the sex of the baby scheduled for August 6, Kyle's birthday :) I was SO anxious by the time that appointment finally got here that I had a mini breakdown on my way there because I couldn't find the right parking lot. Poor Kyle had to deal with me freaking out and starting to cry because I was so frustrated and tired and worked up and just wound for this appointment. Naturally, he was a pro and just talked me through the directions until I found the place. He's going to be the BEST daddy in the world!!!
So, in the weeks leading up to the ultrasound, I had started having dreams about my baby, and in all the dreams the baby was a boy. Outside of these dreams I didn't really have any intuitions about whether baby was a girl or a boy, and we didn't have a preference. I just wanted to find out, and the wait was killing me. I got to the point where I was having a hard time focusing at work in the week leading up to the appointment, I wasn't sleeping well. Everyone kept wanting to tell me their horror stories about being told they were having a boy and then it turned out to be a girl, or going in for the ultrasound and the nurse not being able to get a good enough shot of the baby to tell whether it was boy or girl. My mind was spinning and I just really really REALLY wanted the appointment to get here and to be able to find out.
And, having had the dreams that it was a boy, I as getting anxious to find out. For some reason I was thinking I was going to have a guilt complex if it turned out to be a girl, because I had been dreaming about a boy, and even though I really didn't care whether it was a boy or a girl, I kept thinking that if it was a girl I'd feel all terrible for having dreamt about a boy instead of about my girl...yes, I realize this is crazy.
And then, finally, the day of the appointment arrived, and (after the parking drama) Kyle and I were finally there sitting in the waiting rooom for our turn. Naturally, they were running late so we had to wait an extra 45 minutes (and, yes, my bladder was full and it was uncomfortable) but the moment arrived and it was our turn. We went back to the room, I laid on the table and Kyle sat next to me. We waited for the nurse to get the goop on my belly and get the machine set up. And the first image we see is proof beyond all doubt that this is for sure a boy! What an awesome feeling. I just had this major relief that we were able to see what we were having, no more waiting and wondering. I held Kyle's hand and the tears just streamed down my face. I had been so anxious to know, and all worried about the dreams, and tired from not sleeping and it was just such a sense of "ahhh, finally!" hard to explain, but a truly wonderful moment! The rest of the ultrasound went well, Baby was really active so it was hard to get some of the pictures. But, we were able to see both kidneys, all 4 chambers of the heart, the hands and feet, and got a great picture of his little profile. Kyle was most proud of the picture that proved we were having a boy...typical guy! He was actually so excited about it that he had us stop in the lobby on the way out so he could take a picture of the ultrasound printout with his cell phone and send that pic to his work buddies. Awwww, the proud papa :)

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